Vendors and Food Trucks
Thank you to:
Steel City Volunteer Fire Department 
Oogie's Ice Cream 
Dale's Concessions
Tubby's Concessions
Mat-Hat Jerky
Full Throttle Cycle
Seven Sirens Brewing
Shady Sunglass Deals
Greek Street Gyro
Caravan Cigar Company
Take A Taco
Vaillette's Lehigh Treats
You Got Pork'D
Easton Wine Project
Boyd's Cardinal Hollow Winery
Pats Pizza and Bistro
A Great Vending Opportunity
Take advantage of our advertising and promotion of the Freemansburg Motorcycle Hillclimb & Bike Show. We absorb most of the costs to attract so many spectators, while approved vendors receive the benefits. This event is a great vending opportunity.
To become a Vendor, please download and print the file below. Fill out the Vendor Application Form and send it as instructed within:
Vendor Application Form
(27KB Adobe PDF File)
Sponsor Application Form